Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We're #1

So, the latest is we're #1!!! If you are unfortunate enough to work with me than you already know this, since I danced around the office chanting "we're #1" over and over when I received the email from our social worker "R"! WOOHOO!! Additional good news is that we get to keep our social worker when we become active! Initially we were going to have to get a new social worker when we went active because our social worker "R" only worked parttime, BUT she recently extended her hours and we are blessed that we get to stay with her! So TWO fabulous pieces of news in one day!! We are so close I can almost smell the dirty diapers! heehee!!

So that is the latest and I will let you know as soon as we become ACTIVE!!!!!

Love the Soon to be Mommy and Soon to be Daddy (aka Kristy and Lee)